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Vision Care & Technology

ioptics Logo (3)High Contrast Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope

We are proud to be one of the only primary vision care practices in the area to bring the innovation of the high contrast scanning laser ophthalmoscope from iOptics. This enables us early detection of retinopathies which can prevent eyesight reduction and even blindness.

These color and “x-ray” like photographs of the retina may be taken with or without the use of eye dilating drops. These valuable photos are saved in your permanent file and used for accurate comparison throughout your lifetime. The importance of retinal photography can be compared to the importance of the dental X-ray. Our patients benefit tremendously when imaging is made easy and fast. Uncompromised.

EasyScan (5) EasyScan Retinal Image (6)

Computer Visual Field Testing

Heidelberg Logo (7)

Computer visual field testing can identify subtle problem areas long before symptoms arise or serious damage has occurred. Visual field testing is a primary tool in diagnosing and monitoring glaucoma as well as numerous other ocular and neurological diseases. Whether screening for disease or monitoring established disease processes, suchas glaucoma, using the most sophisticated perimeter from Heidelberg integrates the latest in visual field testing to provide us with the most accurate assessment of our patients’ visual function. This significantly enhances the chances for successful treatment.

Heidelberg Unit (8) Heidelberg Retinal Photo (9)



An ophthalmic imaging device from Heidelberg Engineering is currently on its way to the International Space Station. The device took off from Europe’s Spaceport on June 5th in the Automated Transfer Vehicle “Albert Einstein”. Crewmembers will use the HEIDELBERG for detailed examinations of the back of their eyes. This endeavor is part of a high priority NASA program to study the etiology of recently discovered ocular changes in astronauts after space flight, and to mitigate potentially sight-threatening risks for astronauts on long duration missions. NASA has purchased several of these devices from Heidelberg Engineering to examine astronauts before, during and after space missions.

Marco Art Pic (10)

Say goodbye to the countless options of “which is better, one or two”…

Instead, sit back and enjoy a stress free refraction using the latest generation of electronic refraction technology.

You will see better than ever before and enjoy the process of getting there!Marco Unit (11)

iCare Tonometer – No Puff Practice – No Eye Drops Needed

iCare TonometerAt The Gardens Eye Care we offer one of the best methods for evaluating your intraocular pressure. In addition to the Goldman Tonometer, we offer the iCare Tonometer for glaucoma testing. The iCare Tonometer is an extremely advanced piece of technology that can measure the pressure within the eye with absolutely no eye drops and no ‘puff of air’. The quick and painless measurement is barely noticed by the patient and no anesthesia or inconvenient air puffs are needed.